
Walgreens’ Bleeding Continues

Walgreens’ stock fell 24% as the drugstore chain slashed its profit outlook. It will reduce the size of its pharmacy footprint and continue to evaluate and right size its investment in VillageMD, primary care clinics tied to retail settings.

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Quarterly Drug Inflation Rebate Caps Save More Dollars For Medicare And Enrollees

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced 64 new drugs subject to quarterly caps because price increases exceeded allowable inflation. This will mean additional rebates and lower out-of-pocket costs for 750,000 enrollees. The provision was passed as part of Medicare drug price negotiations in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

In addition, states increasingly are passing protections on drug manufacturers limiting 340b discounts to certain providers.  This came after the Supreme Court upheld such state laws. I do not agree generally with the ruling as it perpetuates an abuse of 340b’s intent.

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#drugpricing #ira #medicare #partd #pdp #medicareadvantage

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Security Group Rates Healthcare Cyber Readiness

SecurityScorecard gave healthcare a “B+” in cybersecurity, but some healthcare organizations had low ratings despite the group concluding that ratings were “higher than expected.” I tend to think that ratings are a bit inflated, but nonetheless it is a good service for the nation.

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Supreme Court Declines To Hear BCBS Antitrust Case

The Supreme Court declined to hear a case challenging the anti-trust settlement between the federal government and BCBS plans nationwide.  While no wrongdoing was admitted, BCBS plans were accused of anti-competitive behavior in the employer market because it limited employers to contracting with BCBS entities in their headquarters’ area and required a threshold for Blues revenue.

The appeals court argued the settlement does not preclude future actions. The high court agreed. Several employers argued the settlement was not enough and that it did preclude certain actions over time. I will be writing about this soon. While the settlement was somewhat of a defeat for the Blues and its association, it actually tends to underscore the anti-competitive aspects of the broader healthcare market and protects the Blues.

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Mixed Bag Court Decision On Preventive Services Mandate

A Federal Appeals Court issued a mixed-bag ruling on whether free preventive services will continue in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  It upheld a lower court ruling finding that the government could not compel a Christian-based business to cover certain services that violate its religious beliefs.  At the same time, it struck down the lower court’s bar on enforcement of preventive services nationwide and returned the future of the preventive services mandate back to a lower court.

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Change Healthcare Begins Breach Notification Process

Change Healthcare began reaching out to clients who had data compromised in the ransomware attack and breach that brought much of the healthcare system to a standstill earlier this year.  Compromised data includes personal and health information. The breach hit a substantial portion of Americans.

An additional article points to the great vulnerability of hospitals to cyberattacks.

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Hold Harmless Provision Change In Star Would Cost Plans Dearly

A Modern Healthcare article speaks to the fact that highly rated Medicare Advantage plans could lose billions in Star dollars if a change to the hold harmless provision for the quality improvement measures is changed.  I will have a LinkedIn post tomorrow on this and other changes the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) could make to save dollars.

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#medicareadvantage #stars #cms

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Major Developments In Direct To Consumer Pharmacy Market

Two major developments in the direct-to-consumer pharmacy market. A study published in the JAMA Health Forum suggests that most people that are insured are better off going through their insurance than through Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drug Company, although some deals are better for certain medications for the insured and those uninsured benefit.  I am not sure the purpose of the story. Of course, insurance should be a better deal than not going through insurance.  But the fact is that often Cuban’s outfit can offer better deals due to the opaqueness of the drug supply channel. The fact that 100 million of 844 million prescription fills (of 124 generic drugs) would have been cheaper under Cuban’s paradigm than insurance proves the system needs reform. Cuban is on to something.

In other news, Amazon Pharmacy has extended Amazon Pharmacy Rx Pass membership to Medicare enrollees. RxPass subscribers pay $5 a month to fill as many prescriptions as needed from a list of about 60 generic medications, including delivery to their doorstep.

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Scan CEO Right On MA and FFS

Scan CEO Sachin Jain, MD is one of the brightest minds in healthcare.  He has the right outlook on Medicare Advantage (MA) – it does a lot that is good but also needs reform.  In addition, he rightfully is asking why the traditional fee-for-service (FFS) program does not face reasonable scrutiny for its over-utilization.

#scan #medicare #medicareadvantage

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New Study Suggest FTC Scrutiny Of Hospital Mergers Is Meager

A new study says the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) scrutiny of mergers is low and mergers lead to increased prices. Part of the issue is low funding for the FTC.

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