Near Final Medicaid Redetermination Data In
The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has done a great public service tracking and explaining the fallout over the reintroduction of Medicaid redeterminations. While some states will carry out remaining redeterminations into 2025, we are nearing the end of the journey.
About 25 million people were disenrolled for some period of time since redeterminations began again in April 2023. There is some good news and bad news to the near-end of this redetermination story. The pause in redeterminations during the pandemic allowed rolls to grow in Medicaid and children’s health insurance to 94 million. Even with losses, almost 10 million more people are covered now than before the pandemic. At the same time, 13 million have lost Medicaid coverage since the peak. Many but not all have gained coverage in other ways.
Kaiser Family Foundation press release:
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