
February 20, 2024

Analysts Say Digital Health Facing Funding Challenges

After record years of funding, digital health ventures are facing lean times to stay solvent.

(Article may require a subscription.)

#digitalhealth #healthcare

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2024 Financial Woes For Medicare Advantage Plans

Excellent Healthcare Dive article on the potential financial woes for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans resulting from rising medical expense and insufficient rates.  I covered some of this in my blog here: https://www.healthcarelabyrinth.com/with-boom-over-will-medicare-advantage-collapse-or-adjust/

#medicareadvantage #rates

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New Challenges For Providers On Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

Interesting article on the impediments to provider entities suing on their fallout from the Medicare drug price negotiations. A judge found they have a lack of standing right now to sue.

(Article may require a subscription.)

#ira #drugpricing

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AI Task Force In The House

Similar to Senate interest, the House Speaker has formed a bipartisan task force on regulating AI in healthcare.

In a related article, Politico says AI is already taking off in healthcare as crafting adequate regulation is moving slowly in Washington: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/18/artificial-intelligence-health-care-fda-00141768

(Some articles may require a subscription.)

#ai #healthcare

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Some GOP States Could Ask For Work Requirements Again If Trump Elected

Some GOP states are readying to submit requests for Medicaid work requirements again if former President Donald Trump is elected in 2024. This is occurring at the same time as some states in the South are finally discussing Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

#medicaid #aca #obamacare

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What Can We Do About Healthcare Costs?

Good blog by Matthew Holt at The Healthcare Blog website on healthcare prices in the United States.  He lays out four ways to tackle price – cut prices, cut utilization, reduce unnecessary services, and negotiate prices.  I argue for national pricing in our system in my book, The Healthcare Labyrinth (available on this site).

#healthcarereform #healthcarelabyrinth

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VBC Drug Payment Models

A good Health Affairs Forefront blog on VBC for drug payments.  The authors argue that drug policies encouraging appropriate use and improved affordability need to be aligned with value-based payment (VBP) models.

(Article may require a subscription.)

#vbc #vbp #drugpricing 

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March-In Rights Are Needed On Drug Patents

While some researchers argue march-in rights on drug patents would do little, this Health Affairs Forefront blog argues there are use cases where it is necessary.

(Article may require a subscription.)


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Obamacare Plans Could Cover Weight-Loss Drugs

Federal regulators may soon direct Exchange plans to cover weight-loss drugs.  These are not covered in Medicare or Medicaid. But regulators should recognize what such a mandate would do to a just-stabilized program.

(Article may require a subscription.)

#obamacare #aca #exchanges #weightlossdrugs

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— Marc S. Ryan

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