Key Republican Dismisses Idea ACA Could Be Repealed
At the recent presidential debate, Donald Trump declared that he was still open to repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Admittedly, he is much more measured in his views on the ACA now. He tries to stress that the ACA would only be repealed if a plan were developed to make coverage better. He as of yet has not unveiled a plan.
But prominent congressional Republicans again are throwing cold water on the prospect of any repeal. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-LA and currently ranking member on the Senate HELP Committee, dismissed the idea that the ACA would be repealed by Congress. And Republicans are likely to take control of the Senate. Cassidy would lead the HELP committee. Along with the Finance Committee, HELP is a committee of cognizance over healthcare matters. Cassidy stressed that comprehensive healthcare reform would have to be bipartisan. He noted that repealing the ACA would be a non-starter for Democrats.
(Article may require a subscription.)
#aca #obamacare #exchanges #medicaid #election2024 #trump #healthcarereform
Wakely Reviews Medicare Advantage at 18
Medicare Advantage turns 18 this year. The program was renamed from Medicare+Choice in the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 and formally relaunched in 2006. Wakely does a good job of inventorying the various changes to MA over the years, including the launch of Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) in 2015, various changes to the Part D program, and various changes to supplemental benefits. MA has grown from 7 million in 2006 to almost 35 million now. MA geographic penetration, sponsor participation, and the number of offerings has grown considerably as well. The domination of large public insurers has grown as well.
Wakely does a good job too of discussing MA’s values, but also the controversies that have emerged over time, including:
- Coding concerns
- Network restrictions and access
- Complexity and education
#medicareadvantage #partd
— Marc S. Ryan