The Healthcare Labyrinth Newsfeed Debuted This Week
Welcome to The Healthcare Labyrinth Newsfeed! Each weekday, I will review about two dozen healthcare websites for the most relevant information in the world of healthcare generally as well as managed care and health insurance specifically.
You can access the daily newsfeed in a few ways.
1 — Save this link in your favorites and visit each day
2 — If on LinkedIn, click on my daily post about the newsfeed and you will be redirected here.
3 — In the future, we will launch an email subscription (free) and we will email you each day on the newsfeed and other website activities.
Here is the rollout of the new Healthcare Labyrinth website:
November 6 — Newsfeed Debut
November 13 — Blog Debut
November 27 or December 4 — Podcast Debut
I hope you enjoy the website and newsfeed.
Take care,
BCBSA Study Says Risk Adjustment Works in ACA
BCBSA is right that despite the lack of funding sometimes due to plans defaulting on their commitment (due to financial concerns or bankruptcy), risk adjustment (RA) does work in the ACA. It also works in Medicare Advantage despite some controversy as well. RA is a fair way in a government program to recognize differences in risk across plans and redistribute revenue.
#aca #exchanges #obamacare #medicareadvantage
Optum Rx Moves To Make Insulin More Affordable
Congratulations to Optum Rx PBM on its move to make insulin more affordable through better formulary placement. With this move, about 97% of enrollees would have access to insulin for $35 per month or less. This comes after some major brand drug makers were cajoled into substantially reducing insulin prices. I am a Republican, but ultimately the thanks goes to President Biden and Democrats on Capitol Hill who have pushed for drug price reform. $35 per month insulin is now the rule in Medicare Part D, but their pushing of this issue has meant the break-though in the commercial line of business as well. Where are Republicans on the issue of drug pricing reform? Most of them are still in the hip pocket of brand PhRMA. For years, high drug prices made felons out of millions who had no choice but to illegally access their insulin from abroad to survive. My party needs to wake up on drug prices.
#drugpricing #commercial #medicare #medicareadvantage #partd #optumrx #insulin
Urban Institute/RWJF Say Almost Half Of Uninsured Veterans Qualify For Coverage
Approximately half (47%) of uninsured veterans under age 65 are projected to be eligible for
either Medicaid or insurance subsides through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace. Across the ranks of the uninsured, similar statistics exist.
#veterans #aca #obamacare #exchanges
— Marc S. Ryan