January 3, 2024
Aggressive Agenda for Healthcare on Capitol Hill Good article on all the healthcare priorities for 2024. This tracks very closely to my predictions for 2024 blog ( https://www.healthcarelabyrinth.com/channeling-nostradamus-the-healthcare-labyrinths-2024-predictions/ ). As I noted, a continuing resolution (CR) or other funding bill must pass soon to keep healthcare agencies open. As well, the article says that price transparency reporting, PBM reforms, and site-neutral payments are on the agenda. Note the reference to the long shot possibility of Medicare Advantage (MA) payment reductions. Troubled by prior authorization and overpayment headlines, Congress could take a bite out of rates for MA plans. This was also a possibility I raised in my predictions. There is also the issue of physician fee cuts in Medicare. (Article may require a subscription.) #transparency #pricetransparency #governmentshutdown # crs #siteneutral #pbms #medicareadvantage #medicare #overpayments #providers #rates Link to Article FDA Approvals Up FDA approvals of new novel drugs are up.