
August 12, 2024

PhRMA Attacks FDA Licensing Affordability Proposal

PhRMA, the brand drug manufacturer lobby, is attacking the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) proposal to tie its licensing process to drug affordability in the United States once products hit the market. The proposal would tie U.S. prices to those in other developed countries.

PhRMA argues that it would discourage collaboration by the private sector with NIH. “History demonstrates that placing unreasonable terms on licensing agreements diminishes willingness to engage in public-private partnership,” PhRMA said.

But there is nothing wrong with the government tying affordability to any collaboration with the government. So much of what the drug industry eventually markets is tied to government innovation and funding.  The proposal is not unlike march-in rights on patents, which is something to consider as well. It also ties to Medicare drug price negotiations.

Let’s remember: the drug market is not a free market and needs reform.

(Article may require a subscription.)

#drugpricing #nih #fda #branddrugmakers


Q2 Health Plan Profit Summary

While six big publicly traded insurers all made money, the financial news was mixed, with half with year-over year lower margins and half up.

#healthplans #insurers #margins


Seven Plans Lift Prior Authorization For Some Services

Becker’s Payer Issues inventories seven plans that are lifting some prior authorizations (PAs). As we have reported in the past, health plans are rethinking certain PA as the administrative costs rise and regulatory restrictions set in.

#priorauthorization #healthplans #providers


Counties with Highest Medicare Advantage Penetration

In 38 U.S. counties, three in four Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA).  This data comes from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). In 2024, 54% of Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in MA plans. Rates of MA enrollment vary by state, from 63% in Michigan to a low of 2% in Alaska. 

#medicareadvantage #medicare


— Marc S. Ryan

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