August 5, 2024
Another Devastating Piece From The Wall Street Journal On Medicare Advantage Yet another piece from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is bound to generate huge attention on Capitol Hill and among regulators. In its latest expose on Medicare Advantage (MA) finances, WSJ finds that MA home visits’ diagnoses for risk adjustment generated $15 billion in extra pay from 2019 to 2021. WSJ says nurses are pushed to make diagnoses the patient does not have and such diagnoses are never treated by hospitals or physicians. A July article found that $50 billion in overpayments occurred from 2019 to 2021 tied to risk adjustment submissions not treated by healthcare providers. I am a supporter of MA, but I have made the case that a small number of bad actors are generating a huge amount of overpayments and giving all plans a bad name. I have told plans to expect that the Centers