January 8, 2024
Aetna Turnaround On Stars And Enrollment Is Amazing At the JP Morgan conference, CVS President and CEO Karen Lynch was taking a well-deserved victory lap. With all that is going on at CVS, the Aetna turnaround on enrollment and Stars in Medicare Advantage (MA) is amazing. It is no small feat given competitiveness in the MA world and the major changes in Star for 2024. #cvsaetna #cvshealth #aetna #medicareadvantage Link to Article Clover Touting Clover Assistant Clover Health also deserves credit for its work creating the Clover Assistant. It has been shown to promote better outcomes, especially in the tough pharmacy adherence area. With prior authorization to take a back seat, data analytics and member and provider engagement are key to reducing and controlling medical expense at health plans. #clover #dataanalytics #engagement #caremanagement Link to Article Alignment Healthcare Bullish On Membership And Positive Margin Alignment Healthcare John Kao expects major