Will Democrats Be Victim Of An October Surprise Of Their Own Making?
For those involved in politics, candidates and parties fear what is known as the October Surprise, a scandal or national or world event that threatens to upend candidacies and partisan control of federal and state bodies. These events can be planned (e.g., by opponents) or unplanned (e.g., a terrorist attack or other world event). With the election very close, especially with the change at the top of the Democratic ticket due to President Biden’s lagging performance, many are thinking these types of events could be potential game changers on Election Day. But are the Democrats forgetting about a potential October Surprise they themselves may have created that could impact their electoral chances? Let me explain. Medicare enrollment season Each October, the enrollment season begins for Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D plans. In the MA world enrollment is fully voluntary for individual policies. In the standalone Part D (PDP) world,