
8. MA Enrollment Growth From 2023 to 2024

Millions of Americans feel confused and frustrated in their search for quality healthcare coverage.

Between out-of-control costs, countless inefficiencies, a lack of affordable universal access, and little focus on wellness and prevention, the system is clearly in dire need of change.

Hosted by healthcare policy and technology expert Marc S. Ryan, the Healthcare Labyrinth Podcast offers accessible, incisive deep dives on the most pressing issues and events in American healthcare.

Marc seeks to help Americans become wiser consumers and navigate the healthcare maze with more confidence and certainty through the Healthcare Labyrinth website.

Marc is an unconventional Republican who believes that affordable universal access is a wise and prudent investment. He recommends common-sense solutions to reform American healthcare.

Tune in every week as Marc examines the latest developments in the space, offering analysis, insights, and predictions on the changing state of healthcare in America.

On this episode of the Healthcare Labyrinth Podcast, Marc covers the Medicare Advantage 2024 open enrollment season and growth between Jan 2023 to Jan 2024.

Marc talks about his annual assessment of Medicare Advantage, which he says can be used as a barometer of the health of the industry.

Listen in to learn the changing value proposition as the benefits, focus, and reach of Medicare Advantage transforms.

Key Takeaways  

Enrollment is up almost 9.5 million lives, nearly 40%, since January 2020

Medicare Advantage is thriving, but also under scrutiny 

Medicare Advantage is growing well in suburban areas lately

Medicare Advantage plans fill in the fee for service benefit gaps

The combination of benefits and quality focus give Medicare Advantage a greater value proposition for seniors and persons with disabilities

Plan Benefit Packages dropped around 1.1% from the previous year

Preferred Provider Organizations grew by 1.86 million lives, around 14.84%, as they expand across the US

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Great News For Insurers and Medicare Beneficiaries: January 2023 to January 2024 Medicare Advantage Growth Rebounds

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