
39. Toward a More Accountable Medicare Advantage Program

A number of forward-thinking Medicare Advantage executives are advocating for a more accountable and transparent MA program that gives additional value and savings back to the government and enrollees. They are right.

About The Podcast:

Millions of Americans feel confused and frustrated in their search for quality healthcare coverage.

Between out-of-control costs, countless inefficiencies, a lack of affordable universal access, and little focus on wellness and prevention, the system is clearly in dire need of change.

Hosted by healthcare policy and technology expert Marc S. Ryan, the Healthcare Labyrinth Podcast offers accessible, incisive deep dives on the most pressing issues and events in American healthcare.

Marc seeks to help Americans become wiser consumers and navigate the healthcare maze with more confidence and certainty through The Healthcare Labyrinth website and his book of the same name.

Marc is an unconventional Republican who believes that affordable universal access is a wise and prudent investment. He recommends common-sense solutions to reform American healthcare.

Tune in every week as Marc examines the latest developments in the space, offering analysis, insights, and predictions on the changing state of healthcare in America.

About The Episode:

On this episode, Marc says a number of forward-thinking Medicare Advantage (MA) executives are right when they advocate for a more accountable and transparent MA program that gives additional value and savings back to the government and enrollees.

Key Takeaways:  

A number of forward-looking Medicare Advantage executives are proposing reform of Medicare Advantage.

They believe being more accountable and transparent is important.

Finding a way to give more of the value and savings back to Medicare and enrollees is key.

MA plans are currently facing major political and regulatory pressures that hurt their businesses.

Greater obstacles are being placed in MA plans’ way.

There is reason to believe that MA might have too much of an advantage over traditional fee-for-service Medicare.

MA is being heavily criticized for overpayments, risk adjustment, supplemental benefits, and marketing. This needs to be reformed.

An accountability and reform agenda in MA could create an MA 2.0, which could usher its growth and prosperity well into the future.

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