May 10, 2024
DOJ Sets Up Antitrust Task Force The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has set up a multi-disciplinary task force to examine healthcare monopolies and collusion. It will facilitate policy advocacy, investigations, and civil and criminal enforcement. #antitrust #mergers #acquisitions #manda New Spending Regulation Could Force Consolidation In Home Care The new home care 80-20 requirement, which directs 80% of all Medicaid revenue to wages, could have an unseemly outcome. Small mom-and-pop shops may have to sell off to private equity firms and large home care companies due to the onerous nature of the regulation. (Article may require a subscription.) #nursinghomes #homecare #medicaid Biden Administration To Propose Cybersecurity Standards The Biden administration will require hospitals to meet minimum cybersecurity standards as an outcome of the Change Healthcare cyberattack. Ascension, a large hospital chain, just suffered a cybersecurity incident that impacted multiple systems, including its electronic health records. In addition,