FTC Lawsuit Could Be Defining Moment For Pharmacy Benefits Managers
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) unveiled a bombshell lawsuit last week against the Big 3 pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) – CVS’ Caremark, Cigna’s Express Scripts, and United’s OptumRx. The FTC charges that the PBMs have used formulary placement and rebates to rig the system for themselves and disadvantage the American public. The FTC says that the PBMs use formularies and rebates to line their pockets and to attract business. This leaves those with expensive disease states, such as diabetics dependent on insulin, with high prices and often an inability to pay. While the FTC believes the behavior by the PBMs impact many drugs and disease states, the lawsuit focuses on insulin drugs and prices right now. In the past, I have defended PBMs for some of the good they do. They do promote the use of generics and keep down overall costs with prior authorization (PA) and other utilization management