December 5, 2023
Is Interest In ACA Truly Fading? The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) poll says that the ACA and generally healthcare are fading as issues in the 2024 campaign. The poll was done before Donald Trump’s remarks on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But let me take a slightly contrarian view here. As the poll notes, about half of the 1,401 people surveyed said the future of the ACA is a key topic. About 70% of Democrats thought so and 32% of Republicans thought so. To me, in a close election, 32% of Republicans thinking the ACA is significant is, well, significant. In a close election, how do you win if one-third of Republicans and a greater percentage of independents care about an issue? KFF poll here: #aca #obamacare #exchanges #medicaid #healthcare #healthinsurance #healthcarereform Link to Article CVS Follows Other Large PBMs in Reforming Reimbursement CVS unveiled Tuesday that it will