February 13, 2024
Showing Strain In MA, PE Deals Dropped Significantly Private equity firms’ investment in the Medicare Advantage (MA) space are way down from a peak in 2021. This is a sign that rising medical expense and regulation is impacting the industry. Just 4 deals occurred in 2023, down from 19 in 2021. Additional article here: https://www.modernhealthcare.com/finance/private-equity-medicare-advantage-pesp-report (Some articles may require a subscription.) #medicareadvantage #privatequityfirms Link to Article Site-Neutral Payment Fight Great Kaiser Health News article on the fight over site-neutral payments. Advocates want site neutral and won passage in a small way on Part B drug infusion in the House. Hospitals are using their weight and dollars to keep it out of any bill. In a related move, advocates are proposing a possible rural exception to a site neutrality to get the reform passed. See here: https://insidehealthpolicy.com/daily-news/site-neutral-proponents-float-rural-exemption-hospitals-flag-risks (Some articles may require a subscription.) #siteneutral #medicare Link to Article Texas Federal Judge