

February 15, 2024

Cigna To Start Stock Buyback Cigna said it would repurchase $3.2 billion in stock as part of a repurchase of $5 billion of common stock over the first half of 2024. This will help enhance its stock price.  Cigna will get $3.7 billion for its Medicare Advantage sale to Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) when it closes. #cigna #hcsc Link to Article New Bill To Establish “Essential Hospital” Designation Lawmakers are sponsoring a bill that would designate about 1,000 hospitals as “essential health systems” under federal statute.  This would provide a vehicle to shelter these hospitals from negative programmatic decision (similar to critical access hospitals and sole community hospitals) as well as target new dollars for health equity and related initiatives. Hospitals would need to meet certain Medicare or Medicaid thresholds. #hospitals #medicare #medicaid Link to Article Capitol Hill Interest In AI Legislation But Little Progress A good article on the interest

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February 14, 2024

Elevance Health Takeover Of BCBSLA On Hold Again Facing pushback from Louisiana regulators, the governor and some lawmakers, BCBSLA has again withdrawn its application for sales to Elevance Health. BCBSLA sought permission to transition to a for-profit entity. Additional article: (Some articles may require a subscription.) #bcbsla #elevancehealth Link to Article Biden Administration To Scrutinize Middlemen In Drug Shortage Controversy The Biden administration has issued a Request for Information (RFI) about the role of drug channel middlemen in creating drug shortages. The middlemen include group purchasing organizations (GPOs) and drug wholesalers. About six entities dominate. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are leading the effort. The agencies will look at market concentration, contracting practices, and regulatory exemptions. In addition, GPOs’ sole-source agreements that prevent hospitals and other providers from acquiring drugs elsewhere will be examined. HHS Press Release here: Additional

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February 13, 2024

Showing Strain In MA, PE Deals Dropped Significantly Private equity firms’ investment in the Medicare Advantage (MA) space are way down from a peak in 2021. This is a sign that rising medical expense and regulation is impacting the industry. Just 4 deals occurred in 2023, down from 19 in 2021. Additional article here: (Some articles may require a subscription.) #medicareadvantage #privatequityfirms Link to Article Site-Neutral Payment Fight Great Kaiser Health News article on the fight over site-neutral payments.  Advocates want site neutral and won passage in a small way on Part B drug infusion in the House.  Hospitals are using their weight and dollars to keep it out of any bill.  In a related move, advocates are proposing a possible rural exception to a site neutrality to get the reform passed. See here: (Some articles may require a subscription.) #siteneutral #medicare Link to Article Texas Federal Judge

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February 12, 2024

Kaiser Turns Around Performance Kaiser Permanente moved from a $1 billion loss in 2022 to about breakeven at least in terms of operating income in 2023.  Its income was $4.1 billion with investments.  It reached the $100 billion mark in both operating revenues and expenses. #kaiserpermanente #managedcare Link to Article Article Summing Up Congressional And Regulatory Issues On AI A good article on all the activities surrounding the use of AI and possible regulations.  The article discusses potential Capitol Hill bills, recent rules and guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and lawsuits against insurers on AI issues. #ai #claimsdenials #priorauthorization Link to Article Humana Study Shows Discrimination In Healthcare A new study sponsored by Humana focused on structural determinants of health rather than social determinants.  The study found that 88% of respondents reporting healthcare discrimination were black. While similar and related to social determinants, structural determinants

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February 9, 2024

Senate To Tackle Medicare Physician Formula A bipartisan group of senators will tackle long-term reform of the Medicare physician pay formula. On 1/1, a 3.4% reduction went into effect due to the existing formula.  Some have accused physicians of spending more time lobbying on health plan prior authorization reform than on their own rate issues. #medicare #physicians Link to Article CMS Wants Tougher Regulation Of Accrediting Organizations A proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) wants reform of how accreditation organizations operate, including conflict of interest and other requirements in force for other organizations. CMS Fact Sheet here: Additional article here: (Some articles may require a subscription.) #cms #healthplans Link to Article Provider Lobbies Pushing PA Reform At State Level A number of states have enacted and more will enact broad reforms of prior authorization (PA).  Generally these reforms revolve around electronic PA transmission,

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February 8, 2024

Weighty Lesson For Employers From NC State Employee Plan Experience On GLP-1 Drugs A lesson for employer groups as weight-loss drugs take off in popularity.  An analysis of data says that just 25 of over 6,200 prescribers in the North Carolina State Employee Plan accounted for 8 percent of the costs of prescriptions for costly weight loss drugs. These include GLP-1 meds Wegovy and Saxenda. These drugs accounted for 10% of total costs – or over $100 million. The state wanted to rein in costs with some ideas, but its pharmacy benefit manger shot them down. Shame on the healthcare players to not work with employers battling these cost issues. As important, there are telehealth entities now emerging, backed by private equity, advertising solely to prescribe such meds.  It is corrupt. #weightlossdrugs #drugpricing Link to Article Good News From Oscar Health; It Favors ACA Subsidy Extension Oscar reported major enrollment

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February 7, 2024

House Republicans Vote To Ban QALYs House Republicans passed a bill to ban the use of the controversial Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY) measurement in federal programs.  Additional article here: #qalys #medicare #medicaid Link to Article Fitch Says MA Trends Will Mean A Credit Neutral Outlook Fitch Ratings says that the spike in medical expense and rate reductions in Medicare Advantage (MA) will end up being credit neutral, arguing plans are well-placed to weather a storm. #medicareadvantage Link to Article Even With Good 2023, CVS Health Saw Utilization Spike and Cuts Its 2024 Outlook CVS Health is cutting its 2024 outlook in the face of a utilization and medical expense spike at insurer Aetna. It otherwise had good 2023 results.  CVS also agreed with Humana and Centene that the 2025 rate announcement was inadequate. Additional articles here: and and (Some articles may require a subscription.) #cvshealth

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February 6, 2024

Centene Reports Good Numbers, But Cautions On MA Rates Centene reported good numbers to Wall Street today, with notable increases in its Exchange line of business. Medicaid enrollment dropped due to redeterminations. But like Humana, Centene is cautioning that the Medicare Advantage (MA) 2025 rate announcement was inadequate and could lead to further benefit and other changes in its MA line. It also notes that other regulatory changes are impacting its MA investment.  Centene has already pared back benefits and geographies to bring its MA line to a better financial position. Additional articles here: and Two other articles on the fallout from MA rates and regulatory changes here: and These articles underscore what I said in these blogs: and (Some articles may require a subscription.) #centene #medicareadvantage Link to Article Another Big Week For Drug Policy Much like last week, this week is very

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February 5, 2024

Spectacular But Not Unexpected Fall Of Cano Health Showing that healthcare remains a risky place, Cano Health announces bankruptcy and a spectacular collapse for the provider organization that enters into risk arrangements with Medicare Advantage (MA) and Medicaid managed care. The MA market has been tough for both plans and providers. The new CEO has been trying to refocus efforts in better market areas by exiting questionable areas. Questions are being raised about why Humana, a major stakeholder, will not buy the firm outright.  Additional articles here: and (Some articles may require a subscription.) #medicareadvantage #humana #providers Link to Article Humana Reacts To CMS MA Rate Announcement Humana reacted publicly today to last week’s rate announcement. Despite the reduction being larger than expected, it reconfirmed its more recent guidance on earnings. The final rates could be higher. See my recent blogs on the subject: and Additional

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February 2, 2024

Cigna Chief Explains Medicare Advantage Exit Cigna CEO David Cordani told investors today that he believes in Medicare Advantage (MA) but it is better for his service business, not his insurance line. In an upbeat investor call, Cordani said that the Medicare line would have required major investments that were not justified based on the size of the portfolio, but that Medicare holds great promise as a service element of its growing Evernorth business.  He said Cigna will double down on Evernorth grow.  Its report on medical loss ratio was very good as were the financials.  Some still question the decision to shed the MA lives. In the current environment for MA, Cordani’s decision may look right.  But will it be the right one over the long term? Or, is this a short-term calculation and Cordani will go back after Humana again down the road? Stay tuned. Additional articles here:

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