June 14, 2024
New Study Suggest FTC Scrutiny Of Hospital Mergers Is Meager A new study says the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) scrutiny of mergers is low and mergers lead to increased prices. Part of the issue is low funding for the FTC. (Article may require a subscription.) #ftc #manda #mergers #acquisitions #hospitals https://www.modernhealthcare.com/mergers-acquisitions/antitrust-enforcement-falls-short-hospital-mergers-study More On 2024 MA Star Recalculations Additional articles on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) decision to recalculate Star scores for 2024 and reopen bids for those who received higher scores. Reports suggest 76 contracts with 44 health insurers would gain at least 0.5 Stars. This could mean an additional $1 billion in revenue to plans, which goes out to members in added benefits. Some big plans receive additional dollars. Additional article: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/payers/report-medicare-advantage-quality-ratings-get-new-calculations #medicareadvantage #stars #cms https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/cms-recalculates-medicare-advantage-star-ratings/718967 Are Lawmakers Serious On Stabilizing Medicare? Members on each side of the aisle on the House Budget Committee said they