
Part D Premium Woes Due To The Inflation Reduction Act

Major concerns are emerging that standalone Part D (PDP) plans are seeing skyrocketing premiums due to the unintended consequences of major Part D restructuring and out-of-pocket (OOP) cost reduction passed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). A new report by the Council for Affordable Health Coverage (CAHC) asks Congress to intervene on what will be growing impacts in 2025 after premium rises in 2024. The increased costs in Part D are tied to a number of changes in the IRA. I went in-depth on all the Part D changes included in the IRA in an earlier blog on April 15, 2024: . New costs to plans in Part D due to IRA Here is a brief summary of additional costs in the IRA now borne or will be borne in whole or part by plans since the IRA passed: 2023: 2024: 2025: In addition, PBMs are now

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Will Democrats Be Victim Of An October Surprise Of Their Own Making?

For those involved in politics, candidates and parties fear what is known as the October Surprise, a scandal or national or world event that threatens to upend candidacies and partisan control of federal and state bodies. These events can be planned (e.g., by opponents) or unplanned (e.g., a terrorist attack or other world event). With the election very close, especially with the change at the top of the Democratic ticket due to President Biden’s lagging performance, many are thinking these types of events could be potential game changers on Election Day. But are the Democrats forgetting about a potential October Surprise they themselves may have created that could impact their electoral chances? Let me explain. Medicare enrollment season Each October, the enrollment season begins for Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D plans. In the MA world enrollment is fully voluntary for individual policies. In the standalone Part D (PDP) world,

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Vertical Integration Appears Very Profitable For Health Insurers And Is Raising Concern Among Lawmakers And Regulators

I have talked often about horizontal and vertical integration in healthcare in these blog pages and on my podcast. One major blog I wrote on vertical integration is here from December 21, 2023: . Let me recap a little as background before I get to an extremely interesting infographic Jared Strock did recently. Jared is an actuary and health insurer/Medicare Advantage market and finance expert. He posts daily and is well worth following. I posted his graphic, his LinkedIn, and a recent post he did on LinkedIn below. Key background on vertical integration from my earlier blog In comes Strock’s analysis Strock used his financial skills to comb public company financial disclosures to show just how big related-party transactions have become. Here is a summary of what Strock said in his LinkedIn post (link right below the graphic): Graphic source and notes: Q1 2024 financial information for seven major

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December 6, 2023

Affordable Care Act 2025 Rule And Ongoing Press On Trump Repeal Remarks While we have already covered the proposed 2025 Exchange rule, this article from Kaiser Health News discusses the rule as well as some of the history of the Affordable Care Act under Trump and later Biden. #aca #obamacare #exchanges #medicaid Link to Article Drug Donations Help The Uninsured and Low Income Great Kaiser Health News article on drug donation programs in states.  Helping to save lives and reduce healthcare costs. #drugpricing Link to Article Exchange Enrollment Doing Very Well But Not Picking Up Many Losing Medicaid Coverage Nearly 7.3 million people have selected an Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Marketplace plan since the 2024 Marketplace Open Enrollment Period (OEP) opened on November 1. It runs through January 15, 2024. The numbers from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) represents activity through December 2 (Week 5)

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December 5, 2023

Is Interest In ACA Truly Fading? The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) poll says that the ACA and generally healthcare are fading as issues in the 2024 campaign.  The poll was done before Donald Trump’s remarks on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But let me take a slightly contrarian view here.  As the poll notes, about half of the 1,401 people surveyed said the future of the ACA is a key topic.  About 70% of Democrats thought so and 32% of Republicans thought so.  To me, in a close election, 32% of Republicans thinking the ACA is significant is, well, significant.  In a close election, how do you win if one-third of Republicans and a greater percentage of independents care about an issue? KFF poll here: #aca #obamacare #exchanges #medicaid #healthcare #healthinsurance #healthcarereform Link to Article CVS Follows Other Large PBMs in Reforming Reimbursement CVS unveiled Tuesday that it will

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December 4, 2023

U.K. National Health Service Has New Drug Pricing Deal An article in The Economist discusses the United Kingdom’s new drug pricing deal.  As we know, all other developed nations negotiate and set prices globally, as Great Britain does. The Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare drug price negotiation will slowly bring some of what other developed nations have. In fact, we have some in force now. Key points from the article: Still, the U.K. says it is getting hurt by high-cost cancer and other drugs. The U.K. and other systems work and should be fully in place in America. (Article may require a subscription.) #drugpricing #medicare #partd #uk #nhs Link to Article Good Argument For Debt and Entitlement Commission The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has a great analysis of why a debt and entitlement commission is a good idea.  It is very factual.  A few points: #medicare #medicareadvantage #debt #deficit

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December 1, 2023

Cigna-Humana Deal Could Pass Muster While federal and state regulators will look closely and potentially oppose a combination, experts seem to think that the Cigna-Humana merger could eventually go through.  As I have indicated as well, the company profiles are quite different than earlier deals that fell through. #cigna #humana #mergers #acquisitions Link to Article Our Primary Care Problem The article makes a couple key points.  It notes the vast difference between primary care and specialist compensation.  We are clearly over-specialized in the United States.  It also discusses an important bill sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, and Sen. Roger Marshall, R-KS, that would invest $26 billion to bolster primary care, increase training opportunities for doctors and nurses, and expand access to community health centers. We do need to invest in so many ways in primary care so we can pivot healthcare from utilization management to care management. #utilizationmanagement #caremanagement #healthplans

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November 30, 2023

Walgreen’s Launches Drug Tool Similar to others, Walgreen’s has launched a drug price transparency and saver tool for its customers. No monthly fee applies. #drugpricing #walgreens Link to Article Investors Look To Medicaid Managed Care Interesting article on investors now looking to Medicaid managed care as the Medicare Advantage market cools and is dominated by big players. While Medicaid margins are skinnier, Medicaid has been growing and states have been pushing more and more lives into managed care. Rolls will drop with redeterminations coming out of COVID, but aging and long-term care remains a big opportunity for plans and investors. (Article may require subscription.) #medicaid #managedcare Link to Article United Details 2024 Outlook Healthcare behemoth United Healthcare detailed its outlook for 2024. Trends it sees will likely match the industry. United sees slower growth in Medicare Advantage, continued efforts to employ physicians, and increased investments in technology. Additional article here:

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November 29, 2023

Cigna and Humana Exploring A Merger Stunning news on the health plan front with speculation that Cigna and Humana are entertaining a merger.  This explains reports not too long ago that Cigna was thinking about giving up its Medicare Advantage (MA) line of business.  The merger seems like a match made in heaven.  Cigna is a commercial powerhouse, but its MA line is much smaller than Humana’s. Its MA line is struggling from a Star perspective. It sold its only Medicaid assets a few years ago. Humana is second only to United in MA and has a growing Medicaid line. Both plans have some provider assets as well. And Express Scripts, Cigna’s PBM and one of the nation’s big three, would be a huge asset for Humana. Humana has a subscale PBM asset. Earlier mega mergers (Aetna-Humana and Cigna-Anthem) fell apart due to federal and state pushback and footprint overlaps. 

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November 28, 2023

Innovation In State And Federal ACA Exchange Programs Interesting article on policy brief from the Commonwealth Fund on various innovations occurring in the state-based and federal Exchange programs.  As of 2023, 20 states operate a state-based marketplace and 30 rely on for sign-ups. Some state-based exchanges use the federal website for enrollment. States are experimenting with enrollment campaigns, simplified enrollment, auto-enrollment programs, health-equity requirements, and more.  Article at link.  The actual study is here: #aca #obamacare #exchanges #commonwealthfund Link to Article Mark Cuban’s Firm Partners With Expion Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs (CPD) is partnering with Expion to tackle the high costs of specialty drugs.  A press release says CPD will integrate into Expion’s dynamic pricing technology. It says “consumers can be confident they are getting a fair price and the convenience of medication mailed directly to their homes.”  #cuban #costplusdrugs #drugpricing #expion Link to Article Healthcare Bankruptcies

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