July 24, 2024
Medicare Advantage Inpatient Days Rising Hospitals cry foul at every pass over Medicare Advantage (MA) plans’ efforts to control inpatient hospital utilization. But a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) shows that inpatient days attributable to MA have increased considerably over time. Medicare Advantage’s share of inpatient days grew from 13% to 23% from 2015 to 2022. As of 2022, nearly half (48%) of all Medicare inpatient hospital days were attributable to MA. The MA penetration in that year averaged just short of 46%. There are numerous other great statistics in the analysis. This year, MA plans are required to follow traditional program standards for deciding whether a stay is required and thus the share will increase more. #medicareadvantage #hospitals #priorauthorization https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-advantage-enrollees-account-for-a-rising-share-of-inpatient-hospital-days/ 2020 Exchange Risk Adjustment Payment Data Published The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published the annual risk adjustment reconciliation data today. Risk adjustment is